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Project / SERPS

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Project Info :

  • Name: SERPS
  • Role : Partner
  • Date : 2020
  • Catogories : Coordinating
  • Status : Active
  • Since: 2020

In 2019 Tanzania clocked sixty years of hosting refugees. Throughout this long history of being a major refugee-hosting country, Tanzania has demonstrated unprecedented innovativeness and leadership in refugee protection.

Project Discription :

In 2019 Tanzania clocked sixty years of hosting refugees. Throughout this long history of being a major refugee-hosting country, Tanzania has demonstrated unprecedented innovativeness and leadership in refugee protection. Despite being a low-income country, Tanzania has constantly opened its doors to hundreds of thousands of refugees from the neighboring countries and beyond. As it is expected from any developing country hosting a large number of refugees in a protracted situation, Tanzania has also been facing numerous challenges, both economic and social, while trying to meet her legal and moral obligation to provide refuge to those fleeing persecution.

In an attempt to contribute to the efforts to improve the current situation, DIGNITY Kwanza is coordinating a series of activities (collectively referred to as SERPS – Sustained Engagement Refugee Protection Stakeholders) which are designed to provide a forum for various actors to reflect on the 60 years of Tanzania’s experience as a refugee-hosting country. The SERPS runs alongside another initiative to publish a book documenting Tanzania’s history as a refugee-hosting country.

DIGNITY Kwanza - Human Dignity and Inclusive Development